Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We recently bought a 4 bedroom house. Now, the husband and I only take up one bedroom. So, what do to with the other 3? Over the weekend we rearranged them so that the iggies and the bats (gliders) have a room to themselves. They were in the guest room, which worked well when it was just the iggies. But then the bats moved in (and they can smell) and Sal decided once and for all he is a free-range iguana, so it wasn't working as a guest room. I cleaned my office stuff out of the "baby room" (the little tiny room next to the MBR) and moved them all in.

It works so much better, I don't have to worry about Sal crawling on guest in the middle of the night or the bats hiding in the furniture. It did upset the bats a little, what with the moving and the cage cleaning, but Java came out and explored for a few minutes last night, ran around the floor, and tried to climb on the roof of their cage. She's so cute.

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