Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I learned something from TV!

I saw something on a TV show, The Big Band Theory to be exact (very funny show, I highly recommend it), a while ago that women are more in tune to high-pitched sounds. I think it's right. Every now and then Kaylee will get it in her head that she really needs my attention in the middle of the night. So she whines. And I half wake up and do my best to ignore her. And she whines more. If she keeps it up, I do get up and let her out. I know I shouldn't but she's had problems with really nasty stinky diarrhea and whined to let me know that she really did need to go out then. So, just in case, I get up and take her outside.

I go back to bed and she generally starts whining again in 5 minutes or so 'cause she thinks she's finally got me trained. I do ignore her this time, but cannot for the life of me fall back asleep until she stops.

And through all this, my fearless husband is snoring like a log oblivious to it all. (Good thing she's not whining about an intruder, alien invasion, or murderous hordes of zombies.) At the first little whimper, I'm wide awake. I kick him in the ribs while she's going full force - he keeps sleeping away.

Life is unfair. But we knew this. But now I know why it is unfair. Yay TV!

In other news, still no cure for the yarn disease.

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