Monday, March 24, 2008

I've been busy

No posts in 3 months... Now that is slacking. But, of course, I've been busy. Also distracted. Busy doing what you may ask... Well, I'm growing a person. See.
It takes quite a bit of work. Speaking of, I've also been working hard, on the house and on work. Getting one of the upstairs rooms ready for the new addition, painting, furniture shopping, etc. It all takes time and effort I haven't been putting into posting to the blog. So, that's my excuse. Take it or leave it.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Adventures in dog walking land

I decided that I need to start walking Kaylee around the neighborhood. It is too hard to get out anywhere and we both need the exercise. She is putting on weight far too quickly. Thus starts day 1 of dog walking.

After taking a spill in the mud (at least it wasn't the pavement) I got sick of her running in terror every time a car drove by. The solution: bodily forcing her to stand next to the road while cars drove by her. After about ten cars, she would sit mostly still while a car passed.

Now, my knee hurts. I shall try again tomorrow.

Friday, November 30, 2007

There is a conspiracy in my house

There is an evil conspiracy to not allow me to sleep. The husband, kitties, and pup are all in on it. One of them is always snoring, poking me in the ribs, jumping on me, fighting, screaming bloody murder, throwing large heavy objects against metal ones, scratching the floor, whining, knocking shit over, babbling nonsense, or just generally causing mayhem. Of course they only start thing when I look like I'm headed up to bed. I turn off the lights and start walking up the stairs and either the dog won't come, the kitties break something, or the husband wants to be fed. Once I finally do make it up to bed, they do everything in their power to keep me from actually sleeping (see above list). Again, life isn't fair...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I learned something from TV!

I saw something on a TV show, The Big Band Theory to be exact (very funny show, I highly recommend it), a while ago that women are more in tune to high-pitched sounds. I think it's right. Every now and then Kaylee will get it in her head that she really needs my attention in the middle of the night. So she whines. And I half wake up and do my best to ignore her. And she whines more. If she keeps it up, I do get up and let her out. I know I shouldn't but she's had problems with really nasty stinky diarrhea and whined to let me know that she really did need to go out then. So, just in case, I get up and take her outside.

I go back to bed and she generally starts whining again in 5 minutes or so 'cause she thinks she's finally got me trained. I do ignore her this time, but cannot for the life of me fall back asleep until she stops.

And through all this, my fearless husband is snoring like a log oblivious to it all. (Good thing she's not whining about an intruder, alien invasion, or murderous hordes of zombies.) At the first little whimper, I'm wide awake. I kick him in the ribs while she's going full force - he keeps sleeping away.

Life is unfair. But we knew this. But now I know why it is unfair. Yay TV!

In other news, still no cure for the yarn disease.

Monday, November 26, 2007


We lost one of our number Sunday morning at 5:33 am. Rest in peace Java.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Knitting and shopping

With the new job, I have not had much time for knitting lately. This is a bad thing. I have Christmas presents to finish. On the other hand, I have discovered something about myself. If I can't knit, I buy yarn. And needles. And more yarn. And patterns. And yarn to knit those patterns. And well, yarn. This is a problem. I am buying yarn because I don't have time to knit and I probably won't have time to knit in the near future. So what am I going to do with all this yarn?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We recently bought a 4 bedroom house. Now, the husband and I only take up one bedroom. So, what do to with the other 3? Over the weekend we rearranged them so that the iggies and the bats (gliders) have a room to themselves. They were in the guest room, which worked well when it was just the iggies. But then the bats moved in (and they can smell) and Sal decided once and for all he is a free-range iguana, so it wasn't working as a guest room. I cleaned my office stuff out of the "baby room" (the little tiny room next to the MBR) and moved them all in.

It works so much better, I don't have to worry about Sal crawling on guest in the middle of the night or the bats hiding in the furniture. It did upset the bats a little, what with the moving and the cage cleaning, but Java came out and explored for a few minutes last night, ran around the floor, and tried to climb on the roof of their cage. She's so cute.